I moved.

June 24, 2022


I moved to London at the end of March.

Things have been fucking wild.

Being off my anti-depressants has been positive? I think.

Still feeling the lows a lot more intensely.

I’m moving out of this shitty Angel street level flat next week. Me and my partner have signed a contract for a flat together. I’m honestly so excited.

Think we’re gonna rescue a cat.

New job is weird, I’m enjoying it in theory, but it’s not giving me full satisfaction - not sure how to explain, just some days feel really shit, some are awesome.

Maybe I’m still adjusting to a new place. (Both moving to London and a new job).

I’ve been told to start therapy by a few people now. It’s something I want to do, but I’m so scared to start the process.

I hope you’re all well.

Have a good weekend.

Written by ??? who lives somewhere and writes this blog.