Almost Christmas.

December 23, 2021


Big gap between this and the last one.

My car broke, got a new one. Wicked.

I tested positive for covid-19 this afternoon. Gonna be a weird Christmas day.

I think the current plan is to push the sofas to the edge of the living room, sit infected family members one side, healthy ones on the other, and wheel presents to one and other on a skateboard.

Seems safe enough?

I had a call with the doctor about my antidepressants. Theyā€™re putting my dosage up to see how I react to it. 150mg here I comeā€¦

Canā€™t say Iā€™m hopeful, although I havenā€™t been feeling as numb recently, just anxious a lot.

Feel like I could do with a good cry, but the sertraline kinda prevents me from feeling emotions too much. Maybe one day.

I think about how I used to cry before I was on these pills, I miss it so much.

I got one of those big soft bears from IKEA. Called him Gino, heā€™s very comfy.

Bye bye. Have a good Christmas.

Written by ??? who lives somewhere and writes this blog.